Make it Easy For Them

By now the web site appears to function properly, and brother Roger has made a good suggestion to try to streamline the slideshow function in the gallery view of thumbnails and images. I've sent off a question to Squarespace about this and we'll see what they suggest.
Bill McCormick called yesterday after receiving the post card. He was having trouble getting on the website. This caused some concern, and a request to Roger that he confirm that all was functioning. It seems to be fine from his location. So Bill, try again. Get online before you enter the url, or something. And thanks again for the call.
Put together three more prints this afternoon, and after those it was time to do something else. Even with everything ready and right there in front of me, I can't do this for more than an hour or so. If my work table was higher and I didn't have to lean over quite so far, it might be a bit easier. Instead I'm over here fiddling with other parts. Only three more prints and frames to assemble. I can't imagine the work involved to put together 30 or 40 frames, much less the cost.
More publicity material is the thing now. Print deadlines are probably approaching fast. I'm having trouble getting the pdf of the show down to a manageable size so that people will open it. I guess I can't put all the images in the file. Encountered Twan - the owner of C'ville Coffee - on the mall Friday night peddling his Honeycakes. He mentioned something about sending pictures to the papers. His point is to do as much as possible for the section writers. I can do that.

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