wondering - or is it wandering

How Cats Do Laundry from Man Made Wilderness on Vimeo.
The time function for these kinds of things is still all out of proportion for the result. But learning new bits and means of expression is stimulating, at the very least. The point was to try to put something together in a day. I almost made the deadline. Pieces were recorded on Sunday, and by that evening I had some kind of an assembly put together. But it was another day to lay in the music, edit the picture to half it's original length, compress the file for Vimeo standards, and then upload.
BTW: all hand held with the Canon 7D using the live view. It's getting a little easier...
Oh, and it was H-O-T this past Sunday, in case you couldn't feel it.

laundry in
A Perfect Nearness,

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