trouble sleeping?
This could be just the thing to help you doze off. Intended as sleep inducing, or wall paper for that dynamite party you're having next weekend, this video is sure to calm frayed nerves.
Photographed on three coasts (and counting) of the continental United States.
Home Grown - at last
Where have I been!? The past year has seen some enjoyable employment in the public broadcasting sector, as a crew member of the Virginia Public Media production Virginia Home Grown. Here's the final episode of the 22nd!! season.
Gardening and environmental awareness. Happy to be a part of this great show! (And I did some Steadicam work for the segment at Sweet Briar College.)
Time Lost
Not that anyone is listening, but there's another video of mine wending it's way through the festival circuit. It's been categortized as "Experimental." Does that signify "unwatchable"? At this point, yes, since I can't show it yet, but here are a couple of stills.
It was shot with no cast, no crew, no budget during the year(s) of the shutdown. It was something to keep me engaged. As always, no apologies.
Wow. It's been a long time since I added something...anything here. The world has moved on, hasn't it?
In case the headline doesn't tell it all, let's elaborate. After a year + of writing, we went into production on the dramatic short known as "A Known Omission" - aka AKO, in September of 2019. Due to scheduling conflicts for participants, it wasn't until February 2020 that we were able to complete photography. The final shot of the movie was the final bit of filming, on February 28, 2020. The following week the world shut down. Nonetheless the movie was edited by July of 2020 and entered the festival circuit. By December of 2021 it had run its course and been shown publically in Charlottesville. Now you can see it online.
We'd love it if you went and watched it.My Morning Conversationalists
The Canadian tourists have flown away with the melting of the pond ice. The Residents remain.
2017 in 3 minutes
Didn't leave the U.S. in the past year, but here are a few of the places we did see, cameras in tow.
24 hr short in 1 minute 50 seconds
Still annoyed at color differences from hdmi out to .mov to vimeo .mp4 to playback with "Standard" setting. It doesn't matter how much calibration is used. Every monitor looks different.
Meaning, this looks a bit less saturated than the way it was graded to look on the "calibrated" monitor. At least when played back in either the "Standard" or the "Movie" settings on an older Dell monitor.
Not that anybody cares...
a taste of blinker
From a recent trip to visit Mom, on the occasion of her 93rd.
a new reel
Some new material as I continue to develop my Steadicam skills. Don't forget to Embiggen.
a short example
whale tail stickwork from Man Made Wilderness on Vimeo.
Includes a snippet of my current favorite piece of music by Tayondai Braxton.
more video fun
another single
Too Much Rain
Our semi-annual greetings go out to all.
Greetings From Earlysville from Man Made Wilderness on Vimeo.
a video review
Since I was renting the camera - the Sony a7s that is - I figured I might as well record my thoughts on how well it worked with the Steadicam Pilot.
a7s on a Pilot from Man Made Wilderness on Vimeo.